Countless articles, presentations, books, and videos have been trying to explain how to achieve digital marketing ROI since the very first day, but the topic still remains as one of the biggest problems even in 2019.
Brands spend significant budgets to bring more people to their websites but in most of the cases, the commercial results do not reach satisfactory levels.
Could it be because they don’t give priority to the “right” traffic rather than “more” traffic?
Many marketers agree that every person is unique, and they will give the best response to the marketing messages that overlap with their perspective the most.
However, when it comes to practice, this mentality is ignored. Almost all of the digital marketing campaigns are designed to convey a small number of messages to a large number of people.
If you treat each person differently than they really are, they will naturally not be interested in your marketing message.
Unfortunately, the web environment is noisier than ever, and it is getting incredibly hard to get the attention of people by standard marketing messages.
If you can group people with similar characteristics into segments, you can differentiate your marketing message and bring tailored solutions to each segment.
This is the only way to get the people’s attention in 2019.
How Can You Get the Attention of Users in 2020 Who See Hundreds of Other Messages Every Day?
Today’s consumers see hundreds of marketing messages on an average day and recall almost none of them.
According to an article published on the American Marketing Association (AMA) website, an average consumer sees 10,000 marketing messages (including product labels) per day.
A study conducted by Microsoft states that consumers are ex-posed to 600 messages per day.
An article on New York Times states that a person living in a city sees up to 5,000 ad messages per day, based on a research. About half of the people think that marketing and advertising today is out of control.
An article on The Guardian states that in an entire day, we are likely to see 3,500 marketing messages. In an experiment, in 90 minutes, a person saw 250 adverts from more than 100 brands in 70 different formats. The number recalled without prompting was only 1.
Every day, users post 95 million photos on Instagram, post 500 million tweets on Twitter, upload more than 700.000 hours of video on YouTube, send 281 billion emails.
Actually, the human brain is loaded with 34 gb. of information per day.
It is no surprise that people are overwhelmed by these messages and they are trying to find a solution.
The number of marketing messages people receive has increased so much that people are not reading anymore. They are glancing over content until they see something that they are really interested in.
For this reason, the marketing message you give must exactly match the perspective of the recipient to gain his/her attention.
How Can You Charm the Users in a Few Seconds?
A person checks his/her mobile phone an average of 47 times a day. This number increases to 86 times for young people. 9 out of 10 people check their mobile phones within an hour after they wake up in the morning
In these micro moments, they are usually glancing over content. They are not interested in messages that do not match their perspective.
In a study conducted by Microsoft with 2,000 participants, it is stated that the attention span declined to only 8 seconds.
Facebook says they have seen that people spend on average 1.7 seconds with any given piece of content on mobile.
You can’t achieve this by communicating general messages with large audiences. It will not be enough to get their attention. You have to segment your target audience and provide tailored messages to each segment.
You Should Give the Right Message, to the Right Person, at the Right Time

How Can You Implement “Divide and Conquer” Method?
You should divide your target audience into segments and give each segment tailored messages to achieve the best conversion.
Divide and Conquer method requires you to separate each product or service having a different target audience. This way, you can focus on each product or service with a different perspective.
Let’s say you are managing a digital marketing campaign for a hospital. In this campaign, you need to treat every department as a separate service.
People who want to get service from different departments such as,
- Cardiology
- Diet & Nutrition
- Psychology
- Dental Health
- Urology
- Gynecology
are quite different. If you want to influence these people, you need to separate each department first.
You will then implement the Divide and Conquer method to these departments.
For example, when working for the diet & nutrition department, you will divide the audience into specific segments like:
- Women, who want to lose weight
- People over 40, who are interested in healthy lifestyle and anti-aging
- Young men, who focus on sports nutrition

The benefit of dividing your target audience is to differentiate your marketing
message. This will enable you to match the perspective of each target segment
This is the only way to gain the attention of people who encounter with hundreds of marketing messages every day.
1. Demographic Segmentation: Who Is Your Target Audience?
You may begin to segment your audience based on demographic characteristics. You can do this by identifying these people.
How old are these people, what are their genders, what are their professions, what are their education level and income status, what kind of families do they have?
For example, if you are managing a digital marketing campaign for a cosmetics brand targeting young people, you may identify your segment as 18-24 years old, women, studying at universities. You may then differentiate your message based on psychographic characteristics or geographical targeting. You may also target different demographic segments such as 25-35 women, single, living in big cities, university graduate.
For a toy company, you may present different suggestions according to the age and gender of the children. You may change highlighted products based on education level and income status of the mothers.
2. Psychographic Segmentation: What Kind of Personality Does Your Target Audience Have?
It is important to perform psychographic segmentation in order to thoroughly refine the segments you have identified with demographic characteristics.
What kind of personality do these people have, what are their interests, what are their lifestyles, what are their approaches to life, what are their values?
For example, if you are managing a digital marketing campaign for a home textile brand, you may differentiate your marketing message for different segments such as women having large families and traditional values, single women living in big cities preferring a modern lifestyle, young men, etc. The message you give to one segment will not motivate the people in other segments.
3. Geographic Segmentation: Where Will You Reach Your Target Audience?
Once you have specified the demographic and psychographic characteristics of your target audience, you need to determine the location to reach these people.
In which countries, in which cities and in which regions in these cities do these people live?
For a fashion brand, you may highlight specific products in high income districts in metropolises. You may communicate different messages based on your store locations. For example, you may emphasize delivery at the store or easy return policy in cities where you have retail stores. For other cities, you may emphasize enhanced cargo features.
4. Behavioral Segmentation: What Motivates Your Target Audience to Buy?
If the people in your target audience have different motivations to buy, you need to create different segments.
Why do these people buy your product or service, what are the benefits they are expecting, what are their sources of motivation, at what stage of the buying process are they?
In an e-commerce store, you may categorize the people who sort the products by price as price-driven and you can formulate special offers.
You may act in accordance with the same perspective while targeting people who use words such as discount in Google search or targeting the social media fans of brands selling products with lower prices than your brand.

Remember how impatient internet users are. They are not reading thoroughly, they are glancing over content, and you should win them in only a few seconds. You cannot achieve this on your home page, where there are so many messages.
Whatever message you give with your digital marketing campaign, you should clearly present the same message on your website.
You can achieve this by bringing each target segment to a relevant landing page.
As these people are motivated by your marketing message and visit your landing page knowingly and willingly, there is no need to use unnecessary content that is not result-oriented.
When people visit your page, they will first notice headlines written in large fonts. For this reason, it is important to use a powerful and well-organized headline on each page.
Divide the Content with Subtitles, Make It Readable
Focus on Visitors, Not on Yourself
Increase Usability
Use Effective Visuals
Act with the Conversion Perspective
What determines the fate of all your digital marketing efforts is whether the people visiting your page generate conversion or not. Therefore, this is very important.
I explain Divide & Conquer Method in detail in Digital Marketing Strategies Book.
Selected as “Best Digital Marketing Books of All Time” get more information here: http://korayodabasi.com/digital-marketing-book/
See it on online bookstores: http://korayodabasi.com/#buy-the-book